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Məhsul Kateqoriyası: Cooling fluids

Alpine C40 is a premium ethylene glycol based antifreeze with high performance inhibitors, a combination of organic acids and silicates, and high performance additives (Si-OAT). For maximum service life and protection of all metal parts of the engine.

The coolant does not adversely affect the cooling system hoses and cylinder head seals. ALPINE C40 is free from amine nitrites, phosphates and borates.


Directions for use:

ALPINE C40, diluted with an appropriate amount of (distilled) water, is used as a coolant and heat transfer fluid in internal combustion engines made of cast iron, aluminum or a combination of the two, and in aluminum or copper alloy cooling systems. ALPINE C40 is particularly recommended for high performance engines requiring special high temperature aluminum protection. A year-round working concentration of 50 vol. %. It is not recommended to mix ALPINE C40 with other radiator protection products or products from other manufacturers.

Attention: It is necessary to comply with the minimum concentration prescribed by the manufacturer - 33 vol. %.