VW, AUDI, SEAT, SKODA : TL-774 D = G12/ TL-774 F = G12+,
Ford WSS-M97B44-D, Mercedes-Benz 325.3, Renault 41-01-001 (type D), General
Motors GM 6277M, MAN 324 SNF, Mazda MEZ MN 121 D, Volvo, Claas, Deutz
0199-99-115, John Deere JDMH5, Komatsu 07.892(2009), DAF 74002, Fiat – Lancia
9,55523, Jaguar CMR 8229; ASTM D3306 (USA), ASTM D4656 (USA), ASTM D4985 (USA),
BS 6580: 1992 (UK), AFNOR NF R15-601 (France)*, AS 2108 (Australia), SAE J
1034, FFV Heft R443, CUNA NC 956-16, UNE 26361-88, NATO S 759. * except the alcalinity
Bardahl antifreeze type D is based on ethylene glycol concentrate using Organic Acid Inhibitor Technology and does not contain nitrites, amines, phosphates, borates and silicates.
The preparation of the water-antifreeze mixture should be carried out by adding an antifreeze concentrate to distilled water, followed by shaking. Coolant -35C is obtained by mixing antifreeze concentrate and distilled water in a 50/50 ratio.